Tuesday, January 27, 2015
PCB Common Query (2)
1. Lay-up
In DWG, customer mentioned layer order only, but didn’t indicate the dielectric thickness between layers and Copper thickness. So, we suggest you follow the lay-up shown on attached file XX, Please confirm.
2. Mismatch between the lay-up and board thickness
According to the lay-up specified by customer, the overall board thickness will be XXX mil, not the customer nominal requirement of YYY mil. So, we suggest:
A). To follow the lay-up specified by customer and change the overall Rigid-flex pcb thickness to YYY mil +/-10%
B). To modify the lay-up as shown on attached file and control the overall board thickness to be XXX mil per customer requirement.
Please clarify which item (A or B) customer preferred.
3. Relax board thickness tolerance.
Customer required controlling the finished board thickness to be XX%, however, the standard tolerance for board thickness is +/-10%. We can achieve tighter tolerance by ordering non-standard materials; however, it will take a long lead-time and a high price to purchase this special material. So, we suggest you relax the tolerance from XX% to +/-10%. Please confirm.
Cu thickness & Pad
1. Add Cu clearance for NPTH or consider 2nd-drill
The non-plated hole located in ground plane(OR a large pad: DIAXXX), in order to facilitate in production, we suggest we shave Cu and add a 10mil clearance around non-plated holes. Please confirm.
2. Add dummy pattern
As the distribution of Cu pattern is very uneven on outer layers, in order to balance plating and improve quality, we suggest you add some dummy pattern in blank area. The dummy shape and size see attached file. Please confirm.
3. Copper close to board edge
In some locations, copper features are closer than 15mil(10mil) from the outline. This presents the risk of exposed copper at board edges. We suggest we shave copper to get sufficient spacing. Please confirm.
4. Copper extending to unit edge
In some locations, copper has extended to unit edge. If we follow master A/W to build, copper will be exposed at unit edge. So, we suggest we shave copper to get sufficient spacing. Please confirm.
5. Delete NPTH pad
For some non-plated holes(DIA: XX), their pad size(DIA: XXX) is larger than hole size. In order to facilitate in production, we suggest you delete these pads. Please confirm.
6. Distance between two pads less than 4mil
On component side/solder side, the spacing between two pads is too narrow (X mil only). As the two pads have been connected together in inner layer YY. In order to facilitate in production, we suggest we shave the pads and keep 5mil spacing. Please confirm.
7. Pad size is too small
According to master A/W the via hole pad is too small (hole size: MMM, pad size: NNN). As there isn’t enough spacing for us to enlarge these pads. In order to select a smaller drill we suggest you change the tolerance of via hole from XXXX+/-3mil to XXXX+0/-6mil. Please confirm.
8. PTH hole with elliptic pad
Per master artwork, we found some PTH holes (DIA: XXX mil) with elliptic pad (pad size: MM X NN mil) (see attached file).AS the elliptic pad was too small, thus it was ineluctable that hole will be broken on short side if we follow master artwork to proceed We suggest to enlarge the pad suitably to guarantee a 2 mil (min)annular ring on the conjoint area, please confirm.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
PCB Prototype Assembly Services
The evolution of our world's technology is truly astounding. In the past decades, we've made great leaps and bounds in terms of what our electronic devices are capable of accomplishing, and things are only getting better. Technological engineers and electronics designers are continuously dreaming up new ways to improve existing products, as well as completely original ideas for simplifying everyday life and tasks. But how does this process occur, exactly?
Every bit of technology - from the smallest, consumer electronic gadget to complex healthcare and aerospace units - begins with an idea. From here, plans can be made to develop a working prototype in order to test the capabilities of the device and to determine whether the idea is worth investing in, or how it can be further expounded upon in order to make it more operable, functional, and efficient. Every step in designing and assembling the prototype is essential to enabling the simple dream to become a reality. To give you a better idea of the process, this post will walk you through the life cycle of a prototype.
The Idea Phase
At this point, you or one of your clients may have a thought for how to improve an existing unit or device, or for creating something brand new. Here, you discuss what the PC board should be able to accomplish, what the functions of the device should be, and the sizing requirements for the unit and, therefore, for the board.
The Design Phase
Once you have a good idea but any size constraints for the board and know what it is that you want to be able to do with it, you can begin actually planning and designing the schematics for the PCB development for the prototype. You'll need to consider the necessary components for achieving your objectives, and how these will factor into the layering and thickness of the board, as well as any budgetary concerns.
The PCBA manufacturer Phase
After the design schematics have been tested out and approved, the board is ready to be assembled for the working prototype. In order to ensure that the PCB will be functional, efficient, and effective, it's important that all settings are properly calibrated (for automated processing), and that the use of the most advanced equipment is utilized so that every component is laid out and connected with the utmost precision, while still maintaining speed.
The Testing Phase
After the board has been assembled, it will need to be subjected to testing. First, you or your contract manufacturer will need to analyze the PCB to ensure that it's actually functioning in accordance with the client's specifications and the design schematics that were previously drawn up. Any inconsistencies or errors will need to be troubleshooted and addressed before the board is presented to the client. From here, the client may want to run their own set of tests, and actually test out the use and functionality of the device as a working whole before making a decision about ordering a larger batch.
The Adjustment Phase
After testing out the initial prototype, you or your client may notice certain areas that could be improved upon, which would make the end product more efficient and effective. After making not of these areas, you may need to go back to the original specs and make some adjustments before mass assembling the final PC boards.
A Never Ending Cycle
Even after a prototype has been approved for mass production and has made its way to the end user, its evolutionary cycle is never actually complete. As technology advances, it will be discovered that the existing device can be improved upon, or even eventually replaced, by something better, but that's what makes the world of technology so exciting! As long as dreamers are coming up with new ideas, we'll be ready to take on the challenge of developing prototypes that may end up changing the world.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Printed Circuit Board Words
1、印制电路:printed circuit
2、印制线路:printed wiring
3、印制板:printed board
4、印制板电路:printed circuit board (PCB)
5、印制线路板:printed wiring board(PWB)
6、印制元件:printed component
7、印制接点:printed contact
8、印制板装配:printed board assembly
10、单面印制板:single-sided printed board(SSB)
11、双面印制板:double-sided printed board(DSB)
12、多层印制板:mulitlayer printed board(MLB)
13、多层印制电路板:mulitlayer printed circuit board
14、多层印制线路板:mulitlayer prited wiring board
15、刚性印制板:rigid printed board
16、刚性单面印制板:rigid single-sided printed borad
17、刚性双面印制板:rigid double-sided printed borad
18、刚性多层印制板:rigid multilayer printed board
19、挠性多层印制板:flexible multilayer printed board
20、挠性印制板:flexible printed board
21、挠性单面印制板:flexible single-sided printed board
22、挠性双面印制板:flexible double-sided printed board
23、挠性印制电路:flexible printed circuit (FPC)
24、挠性印制线路:flexible printed wiring
25、刚性印制板:flex-rigid printed board, rigid-flex printed board
26、刚性双面印制板:flex-rigid double-sided printed board, rigid-flex double-sided printed
27、刚性多层印制板:flex-rigid multilayer printed board, rigid-flex multilayer printed board
28、齐平印制板:flush printed board
29、金属芯印制板:metal core printed board
30、金属基印制板:metal base printed board
31、多重布线印制板:mulit-wiring printed board
32、陶瓷印制板:ceramic substrate printed board
33、导电胶印制板:electroconductive paste printed board
34、模塑电路板:molded circuit board
35、模压印制板:stamped printed wiring board
36、顺序层压多层印制板:sequentially-laminated mulitlayer
37、散线印制板:discrete wiring board
38、微线印制板:micro wire board
39、积层印制板:buile-up printed board
40、积层多层印制板:build-up mulitlayer printed board (BUM)
41、积层挠印制板:build-up flexible printed board
42、表面层合电路板:surface laminar circuit (SLC)
43、埋入凸块连印制板:B2it printed board
44、多层膜基板:multi-layered film substrate(MFS)
45、层间全内导通多层印制板:ALIVH multilayer printed board
46、载芯片板:chip on board (COB)
47、埋电阻板:buried resistance board
48、母板:mother board
49、子板:daughter board
51、裸板:bare board
Sophie Deng
Wonderful PCB Limited
NO.32A,Building NO.1, XianDaiC hengHuaTing,ChuangYeRoad|NanShan District,ShenZhen City 518054| China T +86-755-86229518-806 | F +86 755 2607 3529| e wonderful08@wonderfulpcb.com |
w www.wonderfulpcb.com | Skype:wonderful-07 |
Welcome to our trading shows:
1.Booth: L32,Expo Electronic 2013,Apr.10-12th in CROCUS EXPO,Moscow,Russia
2.Booth: 11J36, HK Global sources Apr.12-15th, 2013 Asia World-Expo, Hong Kong
3.Booth: 9J35, HK Global sources Oct.12-15th,2013 Asia World-Expo, Hong Kong
4.Booth: 70206, CES 2014 Jan,8th-11th in Las Vegas, USA
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Some other PCB concepts to explore
Soldermask – If I had to guess what you think of when I say “PCB” I would bet that it is probably something green. Did you know that PCB’s are not this color as a result of what material is used? This is in fact another layer that is applied to the board after manufacturing. The purpose is to keep solder paste from spreading where it shouldn’t be, but it also has the effect of giving the board a definite style.
Fiducials – These are special markings on your board that allow a pick-and-place automated assembly machine to calibrate itself. Fiducials are usually just a circle where the soldermask has not been applied with copper circle in the middle. This makes the point appear fairly reflective.
Silkscreen – This is also another layer of the Flexible pcb added after fabrication. Silkscreen is used to provide visual cues to the user, document board information, identify proper component placement, or for branding. There are conflicting suggestions on proper usage of silkscreen and I will address this in part 2.
Copper fill - Deciding whether to use a ground/power plane in your design will be an important decision to make during the design stage. The most common reasons for using a copper fill are to suppress noise on the ground circuitry, dissipate heat from a particularly active device, or because someone told you that was the way to do it.
That’s enough of learning what goes into PCBs though, let’s discuss how to get started on your design.
Following will be continued in next chapter.
Shirley Xia
Oversea sales
Wonderful PCB
A Floor 6, Nanyuan Fengye Mansion, Nanshan Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City 518054, China.
T +86-755-86229518-821 / Cell phone and whatsApp:008613480796172
F +86 755 2607 3529|
e wonderful25@wonderfulpcb.com |
w www.wonderfulpcb.com | Skype:wonderful-pcb02
Welcome to our trading shows:
Booth: 9G27, HK Globalsources Oct.11-14th,2014 AsiaWorld-Expo, Hongkong
Booth:A3.274-1,2014.11.11-2014.11.14,the Electronica in Munich, Germany
Fiducials – These are special markings on your board that allow a pick-and-place automated assembly machine to calibrate itself. Fiducials are usually just a circle where the soldermask has not been applied with copper circle in the middle. This makes the point appear fairly reflective.
Silkscreen – This is also another layer of the Flexible pcb added after fabrication. Silkscreen is used to provide visual cues to the user, document board information, identify proper component placement, or for branding. There are conflicting suggestions on proper usage of silkscreen and I will address this in part 2.
Copper fill - Deciding whether to use a ground/power plane in your design will be an important decision to make during the design stage. The most common reasons for using a copper fill are to suppress noise on the ground circuitry, dissipate heat from a particularly active device, or because someone told you that was the way to do it.
That’s enough of learning what goes into PCBs though, let’s discuss how to get started on your design.
Following will be continued in next chapter.
Shirley Xia
Oversea sales
Wonderful PCB
A Floor 6, Nanyuan Fengye Mansion, Nanshan Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City 518054, China.
T +86-755-86229518-821 / Cell phone and whatsApp:008613480796172
F +86 755 2607 3529|
e wonderful25@wonderfulpcb.com |
w www.wonderfulpcb.com | Skype:wonderful-pcb02
Welcome to our trading shows:
Booth: 9G27, HK Globalsources Oct.11-14th,2014 AsiaWorld-Expo, Hongkong
Booth:A3.274-1,2014.11.11-2014.11.14,the Electronica in Munich, Germany
Sunday, January 18, 2015
PCB production
Typically, PCB manufacturers specially prepared PCB prototype and Aluminum pcb manufacturing for all positions, not only in style but also need to be prepared with difficulty PCB prototype PCB style.
The fact is, PCB fabrication updated with the latest manufacturing technology, it is merciless comes to provide the necessary products, is using PCB. Therefore, people now days are very lucky because modern electronic products and commodities as processing and manufacturing of these important printed circuit board. Supporters of PCB manufacturing so I do not consider their own ignorance, or do not realize that modern PCB technologies. As a fact, a variety of PCB has become larger and more widespread prosperity. These recent developments led the company's efforts in the pursuit of greater efforts to meet the demand of these products should have. Therefore, processing, manufacturing, and design have become the effective implementation of the PCB in their field. This is not surprising, because the company is equipped with advanced high-end PCB equipment is critical to achieve and prototype stages of the product.
The placement of the elements must be clear plans must also have a range of levels, the so when there is a modification in the technical one without redesigning the complete PCB. Add or change a smaller can help prepare an upgrade PCB thus saving a lot of cash. Typically, a single production difficulties PCB likely require more than a skilled, for the number of pilot projects. In these kinds of cases, PCB are usually very high price; take a lot of tiles you want to create.
Friday, January 16, 2015
High PCB Design----Wonderful PCB (hk) Limited
Author: Jodie
In the field of telecommunications , the design is very complex , the transmission speed in the transmission of application data , voice and image of the
Has been far higher than 500Mbps, people in the communications field in pursuit of higher performance and faster to launch production
Goods, and the cost is not the first. They will use more board layers, sufficient power and ground planes, any problems that may arise in the high-speed signal lines will be implemented using discrete components match. They have
SI (signal integrity) and EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) experts to simulate and analyze the wiring before each
an internal design engineers follow strict design requirements. So the field of communication design engineers through
this design is often used excessive speed PCB board design strategy.
Home computer motherboard design area is the other extreme, the cost and effectiveness above all , the design
Teachers are always using the fastest, the best , highest-performance CPU chips, memory and graphics processing module technology
To form increasingly complex computer . The home computer motherboards are usually four shelves , some high-speed PCB
Design technology is difficult to apply to this area , so engineers in the field of home computers generally have adopted over
Research methods to design high-speed PCB board, they are designed to fully study the specific circumstances of those who truly resolved
The existence of high-speed circuit problem.
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